Confinamiento y cuidados capilares

Al principio del confinamiento trenzaba mi cabello para que me resultase más cómodo lavarlo a diario, ya que tuve efectos leves de coronavirus. Cuando ya empecé a encontrarme bien seguí con mi rutina cero residuos. Cuidado del cabello rizado cero residuos Compagino mis lavados con champú sólido y arcilla. Pero cuidado con la arcilla…

Moda #curly

Hace mucho tiempo que os quería compartir estas fotografías acerca de mi pelo.  A pesar de sufrir bulling capilar en el colegio y en el instituto nunca me quise alisar el pelo. Lo máximo que hacía es dormir con una trenza para intentar ondularlo, como en la fotografía anterior. De bebé tenía el pelo liso,…

Flower gel

There are many options to stylize our wavy, curly or afro hair in the most natural and self-sufficient way, without having to spend unnecessary plastic or packallings. These options that I give you today are highly versatile and multifunctional: 1. They condition our hair, better than commercial softens. In our house, my husband calls him…

Black soap like leave in

Today I present the testimony of Monica regarding the benefits she has experienced using 100% natural products in her hair. She has recovered the lost elasticity of her curls caused by synthetic dyes. I leave you with her testimony; ) @monica_thor3 I want to explain the hair routines I have been doing for two months…

Hair masks

In this post I am going to share my favorite natural masks. First exfoliate: Before any mask I recommend making a hair scrub. You can make a simple scrub with rosemary oil, ginger powder and cinnamon that are very beneficial ingredients for hair growth. Or make an exfoliant that will serve you for more days,…


Do you have curly heads at home? Are your mornings a nightmare? How do I untangle my children’s hair? What to do when we go on vacation? How do I protect the hair of my children against the salt water of the sea or the chlorines of the pools? What to do if the lice…